We want to hear from you!
Email: contact@aiconys.com
Phone: (718) 285-6616
8 Southwoods Boulevard, Suite 110
Albany, NY 12211-2514

Submit a complaint to the CMS Center for Program Integrity (CPI), Fraud Investigations Group (FIG), Division of Provider Investigations (DPI) at dpi.intake@cms.hhs.gov or Report potential fraud or abuse by submitting a complaint to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) website, OIG hotline at 1-800-HHS-TIPS (1-800-447-8477), TTY at 1-800-377-4950, by fax at 1-800-223-8164, or by mailing to: Office of Inspector General ATTN: OIG HOTLINE OPERATIONS P.O. Box 23489 Washington, DC 20026.